Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

Chapter 8.: I liked most

In this chapter it was great that alex was able to see dolphins.
I think it was wonderfull for him to see that nice and free animals.
In my opinion Alex had learned very much in australia, he thinks more about everything like in this moment: he is a little bit sad cause he knows that the dolphins are free, nobody tells them what to o, but he isn´t.

4 Kommentare:

JD hat gesagt…
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JD hat gesagt…

WhaT ?!! Dolphins, are that your favourite animals or haven't you understand the entire text. Please write a comment on my text. I mean it's to take for granted that there's a considerable meaning. If you have questions comment on your friends blog for asking or maybe better ask your group! And nevertheless why do you think why he's not happy? I want your opinion not the text one's. For improving the end of your post I write something like: But with disagreeing Dani's opinion it become clear that he wants to be famous of course, but that he haven't except that the fame commit himself on commitments that had to accomplish, also if you COULD interpret on your one.
Timme (JD)Still unclear: Jana

PS: I've deleate my first comment because of a mistake..
PS.2: Wow, you've admit me in your list,THX !!
Timmi fells justified for such a bad comment...sorry.... ;(

frohnatur hat gesagt…

Í think Madihas post is very corect and understandable.
Sorry Jana, but why did you write so much and why dind't i unserstood what do you want to tell us?
I like Madihas post and in my opinion did she say every think that makes my heart moving (if i can say it like that). We all wanted to write good things (maybe only things that we think about, that they could impress mrs karstädt) and so Madiha has write her opinion. Please, if you have enough time left to comment post so corectly think about politer things you wrote to other people, because maybe it hurts if someone write that what them is thinking about and then is coming the very clever Jana with her dictionary- english and wanted to shaft you to take centre stage! thats my opinion, I hope it wasn't so badly as Janas were! (=

JD hat gesagt…

I'm sorry, Madiha. I don't want to enforce (aufzwingen) my opinion.Unfortunately I acted like a wiseacre (Besserwisser)and I fell a little bit justified that I've the wrong idea of your post, please accept my excuse.
But sill questionable is what I haven't understand, PLEASE answer in my blog!