Dienstag, 27. November 2007

Alex´ Understanding&Toms Diary

In my opinion, Alex tries to understand his Dad.
The time before, Alex did not know he he was really able to trust his father, but now he
I think that he tries to forget all the bad things about his father and tries to start again, not with a father but with a friend.

Friday, 8 February

My first meeting after 16 yaers with my son Alex was great!
He is really good-looking and I like him. I think he is very open and a person who hate it if someone does not tell the truth.
I am soooo happy that he likes me and that we can talk to each other like old friends.
Since four days, we are on a trip.
It is so fun .
He can really understand me I had never thougth it.
I am sad that we have to return tomorrow.
Why did I never contact him in the past? I am not able to understnd myself, I cannot understand the reasons anymore.
I am so sorry taht Alex had never had a real father but I will try to be a good Dad now!!!

Mittwoch, 21. November 2007

After I have read the 6. Chapter

At the beginning Alex does not know what to say.
But when Tom makes jokes Alex becomes angry inside because Tom talks if nothing had been happened.
Alex have to show his emotions and he cries to Tom.
He tells him all about his feelings, that Tom had left him and his Mom and that he never wrote a postcard at Christmas.
Tom feels sorry, he thougt that Alex would hate him and would not like to contact him.
after taht he does not talk so much to Tom but at Queensland they have a wonderfull time and get friends.

I was right, I thought that Alex wants to speak about his feelings and after that they talk about normal things.
I did not think that they would get friend but they do:
P.36 l.25: Alex felt that he lost a father but get a friend.

Before I read the 6. Chapter

In my opinion, Alex will not be able to say anything at the beginning because he my might be very nervous , he had not seen his father for nearly 16 years.
But I think that he will not be shy for a long time because that doesnt fit to his character.
he could tell Tom about his feelings, that he was very dissapointed because Tom had naver tred to contact him even if he was in London.
After thta he might tell him something about his hobbies and his life.

Freitag, 16. November 2007

Questions to chapter 5

1. Why do they all stop the first time

2. Why does Alex not want to tell Dany anything about the real ground why he want to play in Sydney?

3. Who does Alex see when he plays the guitar at the live-act?

The fisagreement

Dani and Alex has a disagreement about a penguin who is always standing in the spotlight.
They have two differnt opinions about that fact.

In Alex opinion , the penguin doesn´t like beeing watched by so much people everytime but Dani says that she thinks taht it is finally that what Alex like.

I think that it is not a reason for to have an argument and stop talking to each other.
In my opinion it is quite normal that two different persons thinks different about the same thing, if that would not be it would be very boring.

Montag, 5. November 2007

St Mary´s Peak

In this chapter, Alex visited the Williams family because Tom had to stay in London for a while and so Alex went to Adelaide.
In my opinion the Williams were very friendly and Alex felt happy.
But he also was excited to meet his father, because everyone had told him something about him and he thought that they were very different.

With Kevin, the son of the Williams, he traveled to Kangaroo Island there lived animals that weren´t afraid of people.
After that they went to St Mary´s Peak, a realy hihg mountain.
I think that it was very difficult to climb on the mountain but they had much fun.
Alex thought, that the mountain lookes like amoon, and Kevin told him that his father dad said that too, when he was with him ontaht place.

Sonntag, 4. November 2007

The first 66 hours in Australia

Alex first 66 hours in australia were very exciting. His Stepmother (Mary) took him up from the airport and with her, alex two little brothers called Dominic and Luke who were quite younger than Alex.
But Tom, his father wasn´t there.
Mary explained, that Tom were in London. Alex was very unhappy. When his father was in London, why had he never tried to contact him?

After they were on the beach and eat something, a girl, called Dani, came. It was the Babysitter of the two little boys and by the way, she was in a popgroup.
Alex found, that she was very nice and in the evening, he visited a concert from Danis band.
The Beat Crew (the name of the group) searched someone who was able to play the guitar, and Alex who did that, were asked if he wanted to take part in the band.

Alex was happy. His first day in Australia was GREAT.